hi, im eduardo galvez. here is some stuff i've made/done.


casino6 (game i made)
i made this game in about 2 months using godot and blender. its about cheating at blackjack and looting hotel rooms for casino chips. it can be scary if you get risky
search app to find CC0 game assets (over 300k). you can find 3d models, 2d art, sound effects, music and more. built using flask, meilisearch, javascript, and css.
a utility tool for cleaning text. can find and replace, convert text to array, remove emojis, and do other cool stuff. built this to learn SEO
data analytics
worked in a team of 6 to analyze effectiveness of FEMA aid. learned how to source, clean, and analyze data. used python and sql to process and clean the data and tableau to create dashboards
jane street hooks 10
i solved a puzzle made by jane street, a quantitative trading firm. i worked on the hooks 10 puzzle during march 2024. click link to see my solution
permaonline (music)
i just do this **** when i get bored. will be uploading more of my unreleased / unfinished music in the future
here's my github if you want to look at past/unfinished projets of mine
watercolor painting i made june or july 2019